For the last three years we have been hoeing, and weeding, and being very careful what we spray onto our vines. Also we are regularly inspected and have audits to ensure we meet strict criteria. Finally we have made it! The Soil Association have approved us as organic!!
We are absolutely thrilled to have meet this milestone I'm really proud to say that all the hard work has paid off and we are now officially organic.
This is great news for the vines, great news for the grapes, safe habitats for the wildlife, and a great growing environment for the flora and fauna.
We feel that's the light input that we have in the vineyard enriches the flavour of our grapes and so when you drink our wine you will know that you are drinking a more pure and more natural product.
We hope you enjoy it as much as we do.
Congratulations on all the hard work, Well Done 👍